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04 Sep

Sample 6 Blog post

Published by Darwin Duckman's Portfolio

September 4 2019


Long before legalization and research, dating back thousands of years Cannabis has been said to contain medicinal properties that aide in pain reduction to relieving intestinal constipation, aiding in disorders of the female reproductive system, slowing glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and preventing and minimizing seizure disorders. Cannabis legalization has opened the flood gates to Cannabis research in Canada. This research includes but not limited to:

  • Cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk.
  • Cannabis use in adolescence and risk of adult psychosis.
  • Multiple sclerosis and Cannabis a cognitive and psychiatric Study.
  • The trajectories of Cannabis misuse in emerging adults.
  • Understanding rewards, value and motivation in Cannabis use disorder.
  • Medical Cannabis for chronic noncancer pain.
  • Randomized control trail for Cannabis for pain related to total knee replacement.
  • Review of long term medicinal Cannabis use
  • Cannabidiol for treatment of pain, anxiety and bipolar disorder

These are just a few of the projects underway or have already been completed as a result of legalization. In this blog I will briefly discuss medicinal uses of Cannabis more specifically CBD oil or Cannabidiol.

CBD oil has become a pain relieving alternative to the use of opiods, which are known to be extremely addictive. Although CBD oil comes from Cannabis, CBD oil does not provide the user with psychoactive effects. Studies have show that CBD oil helps reduce chronic pain by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation with neurotransmitters. In Layman's terms CBD oil, interacts with the neurotransmitters that run throughout the nervous system in a matter to slow their or reduce their transmissions, reducing pain response.

CBD oil has other positive medicinal uses beyond acting as a pain killer. One of the most prolific uses of CBD oil is in children with seizure related disorders such as Dravert syndrome, and Lennox Gastaut syndrome, and other epilepsy syndromes. Videos of the effects of CBD oil on children with these syndromes are readily available on youtube and elsewhere on the internet. Recently in the USA the FDA approved a Cannabis derived medicine called Epidiolex which contains CBD oil.

CBD oil is also being used to treat acute anxiety and depression, studies are still being conducted in this field as we speak, but it has demonstrated the ability to lower anxiety and relieve depression symptoms, by activating the brain's neurotransmitters related to serotonin production. For instance in 2010 a study found that CBD oil reduced symptoms of social anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder. Brain scans revealed changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain linked to anxiety, not only did this reduce anxiety, it altered the manner in which the brain responded to anxiety. Research is still ongoing but has shown promising results in reducing symptoms for post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety provoked sleeping disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorders and other depression related disorders.

CBD oil and Parkinson's Disease. Tests and studies are still being conducted, however preliminary results are promising. CBD oil has demonstrated the ability to relieve tremors, psychosis and problems sleeping. Researchers in Brazil have noted. "Our findings point to a positive effect of CBD in improving the quality of life measure in PD patients with no psychiatric comorbidities"

CBD oil is also used in treating Cancer treatment side effects such as treating nausea, pain relief, and appetite loss. Studies are also being conducted to determine if CBD oil can be used to prevent certain types of cancer or at the very least slow the growth of cancer, however results have been mixed. In 2019 In Vitro and In vivo studies on pancreatic cancer found that CBD can help slow the growth, reduce tumor invasion and induce tumor cell death. Another 2019 study indicated that "CBD could provoke cell death and make glioblastoma cells more sensitive to radiation with no negative effects on healthy cells."

Other areas where CBD oils are being researched include Acne reduction, heart health, substance abuse treatment, Autism, and diabetes prevention. As the access to Cannabis has been greatly improved through legalization more and more studies will be conducted in the medical fields to explore alternatives to pharmaceuticals that carry harsh and damaging side effects.

CBD oil can carry their own side effects, the following are some possible side effects:

  • Anxiety
  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • drymouth
  • nausea
  • Vomitting.


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